Periodontics is a subset of dentistry that focuses on the structures that support your teeth, including your gums and jaw bones. Common periodontal problems include gum disease and gingivitis—which can lead to periodontitis. Smokers and people with diabetes are uniquely vulnerable to periodontal problems. At Eagle Falls Dentistry, our Bloomingdale dentist can provide the dental care that you need.
Our periodontic treatments include:
Our periodontic treatments include:
- Cosmetic procedures: Uneven or excessive gums is a genetic trait that many people would rather not have. Thankfully, there are a variety of cosmetic procedures that can be used to minimize or eliminate the condition altogether.
- Non-surgical treatment: Whenever possible, we treat periodontal gum and bone conditions without surgery. There are a variety of noninvasive treatments available including scaling and root planing—a process by which the surface of the tooth and root is thoroughly cleaned to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria. We can also treat periodontal conditions through fluoride tray treatments.
- Biopsies: When a lesion cannot be sufficiently diagnosed through patient history and clinical findings, an oral tissue sample will be taken for examination. Our on-site dental lab allows biopsies to be completed quickly and efficiently.
- Extractions: Today’s tooth extractions bear little similarity to their more painful predecessors. Before a tooth is removed, the surrounding area is numbed to help eliminate any discomfort. Following the extraction, pain medication is available for any pain that results.